Eggless Banana Ice Cream

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Eggless Banana Ice Cream

I had 4 very ripe bananas at home.  Usually I make carrot cake with it, but this time I wanted to try something new.

Then only I remembered watching an episode of Good Eats in Food TV, where Alton Brown prepared banana ice cream without eggs.  So immediately went to the site to get the recipe.  Interestingly I had all the ingredients at hand.  But the only thing was the bananas had to be frozen overnight and thawed, before making the ice cream.

I have wanted to try this for a long time now, so did not have the patience to do it the next day and also the bananas were very ripe.  So proceeded to make the ice cream and it did come out very well.  Maybe I'll try the freezing method next time.  So check here for the original recipe.

Eggless Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Prep TimeCook TimeMakes
10 Mins3 Hr7-8 Servings
Frozen DessertsFreezing
Eggless Banana Ice Cream A very easy recipe to make eggless banana ice cream at home without an ice cream maker.
  • 4 Ripe Bananas
  • Little OR May Be A Teaspoon Lemon Juice
  • 1/2 Cup Light Corn Syrup
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
  • 1 Cup Heavy Cream
  • Banana Ice Cream Ingredients
  1. Peel the bananas and place it in a blender.
  2. Cut Bananas
  3. Blend it alongwith the lemon juice.
  4. Banana Pulp
  5. Add corn syrup and vanilla essence and blend it once again.
  6. Add Corn Syrup
    Add Vanilla Essence
  7. Add the cream and blend it until smooth.
  8. Add Heavy Cream
  9. Transfer the mixture to a container and chill it in the refrigerator until it reaches 40 degrees.
  10. Blended Mix
  11. b>If you don't have an ice cream maker, check here for detailed instructions)
  12. Even before starting the process of making the ice cream, put a stainless steel container or any other freezer safe container in the freezer until the ice cream mixture is ready.
  13. Frozen Box
  14. Once the mixture is ready transfer it to the frozen container and close it with a lid.
  15. Pour mix into frozen box
  16. After 45 minutes, open the door and check it. As it starts to freeze near the edges beat it up either using a spatula, whisk or stick blender to break any frozen sections. Return to freezer.
  17. Keep checking it periodically and stirring while it freezes until the ice cream is frozen. It will take 2-3 hours to be ready.
  18. Beat the mix again
  19. I started making the ice cream very late in the evening, so I was able to do the above process only twice. I had to put the ice cream in the freezer overnight. The next day evening when I checked the ice cream had frozen rock hard and I was not able to scoop it. So I transferred the container from the freezer to the refrigerator. After about 45 minutes I was able to get the perfect scoop of delicious homemade ice cream.
  20. Scoop the Ice Cream
  21. First scoop of homemade ice cream.
  22. Serve the Ice Cream
  23. I also added some chocolate chips to the ice cream mixture. The ice cream was so DELICIOUS!!!
  24. Banana Ice Cream
If you have an ice cream maker:
  1. Chill mixture in refrigerator until it reaches 40 degrees.
  2. Transfer the mixture to an ice cream maker and process according to manufacture's instructions.
  3. Place mixture in an airtight container and freeze it for 3 to 6 hours before serving.
My Notes:
  1. A small note to both banana lovers and haters, try this ice cream with just one banana first. The original recipe calls for 6 bananas, but I have used only 4 bananas, even then the flavor of banana is overpowering. The ice cream got mixed reviews. But the happy news is my toddler liked it very much.
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I'm sending this to Mike's "You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Frozen Desserts!" event.

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  1. Anila

    It looks so good.I am an icecream fanatic.Need to get the corn syrup and heavy cream.

  2. Hima

    The pictures are so tempting. Can’t wait to try it.

  3. sowmya

    yummy ice cream!!

  4. krystyna

    🙂 Hi,
    thank you for this great, easy to made recipe. I like bananas and only homemade ice cream. Great photos.
    Congratulations for Award! you deserved many awards.
    Best wishes to you! 🙂

  5. DivyA Vikram

    Madhu..Even I have an icecream in my blog today..Your icecream looks just perfect..Loved the step by step pics..And I love those cute bowls in which u have served thm..

  6. TBC

    I don’t know if I would like a banana ice cream, but I like what you’ve done here.:-)

  7. Rajitha

    u know i saw alton’s recipe in the show and thought wow! no eggs…and here you are making it…liked the no ice-cream machine method

  8. Uma

    yummy icecream Madhu! Love the bowls too. Nice recipe.

  9. Trupti

    wow madhu, ice cream looks delicious. I hate banana but I can have this ice – cream

  10. SS

    Perfect afternoon snack , can I order the menu for meet ,eat and greet session ?

  11. Cham

    lOVE your icecream without ice cream maker. Tasty one 🙂

  12. bhags

    i hate bananas, but those ice cream cones are lovely

  13. shriya

    Wow ! Wow! I have no words to say. thats absolutely stunning and perfect . Very nice job you’ve done here and I love the step by step instructions. Kudos to this post. Looking mouth watering and delicious.

  14. Hetal

    Check out my blog for a sweet surprise

  15. kamala

    The icecream looks sooo yummy Madhu.great job without Icecream maker

  16. Aparna

    Looks absolutely delicious.

  17. Anjali Damerla

    Ice cream looks superb.
    I don’t have a ice cream maker but feel like buying one to make yummy ice creams like this one 🙂

  18. skribles

    yummy icecream! nice one to make use of ripe bananas 😀

  19. Asha

    We love Banana split Ice Cream, never had Banana ice cream before. Very nice, good one Madhu!:)

  20. maheswari

    YUMMO!..After visiting your blog only, i came to know about so many eggless recipes girl!.Thanks for sharing..

  21. sripriya vidhyashankar

    wowwww…. looks yummy…. delicious and fantastic

  22. JZ @ Tasty treats

    ooh oohh, it looks delicious madhuram! from the recipe to the presentation, its amazing!! i am gonna try this too!!! 🙂

  23. Sorina

    It look’s to good to be through I am definitely going to try this

  24. Laavanya

    So delicious and easy — looks great!

  25. ranji

    awesome madhu…u r simply tooooooooo good..yummmmy icecream love it..i really i had that ice cream in my hand right now:)…
    I have posted arusuvai 2 today..i hope u like it :)…