
Eggless Cookie Recipes

Here is the list of eggless cookies that I tried and came out good. All these cookie recipes without eggs have step-by-step procedure with pictures.

How to substitute eggs in Cookies?

Cookies The best substitutes for eggs in cookies are Ener-G egg replacer (or any other brand of commercial egg replacer powder), flax egg, sweetened condensed milk.

In rare cases, vinegar too works in cookies.

Unsweetened applesauce will make the cookies very soft.

My favorite is Ener-G. Follow the directions given in the pack. For each egg to be replaced, you will have to use about a teaspoon of the egg replacer powder whisked with 3 tablespoons of preferably warm water. You can replace up to 4 eggs using this ratio.

Sometimes I even use about 1.5 to 2 teaspoons of Ener-G as the pack reaches the expiry date.

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  1. Martha

    So good and so easy, my kids loved them and I loved that I can make an allergy friendly cookie that tastes great!

    • Madhuram

      Thanks Martha.

  2. sita

    Please give me more eggless biscuits recepi

  3. Auggie

    Do you have a recipe for a way to make eggless ginger cookies that are nice and soft?

    • Madhuram

      Not yet Auggie. I tried one last Christmas but not satisfied with the result.

  4. Vruti Shah

    Great Work yaar… Just loved your recipes… 🙂
    Well even I tried Chocolate cookies-
    Foodies’ Fun

    • Madhuram

      Thanks Vruti.

  5. Chunky Fruit And Nut Oatmeal Cookies :: In The Devil's Kitchen

    […] recipe)Oatmeal, Walnut and Cranberry Cookies ? Healthy CoconutA Sweet and Safe TreatPinay MistressEggless Cookies body { background-color: #5B0600; background-image: none; […]

    • Madhuram

      Thanks Martha.

  6. 7 Easy Ways to Make Healthier Cookies

    […] Chip Cookies – Choc Chip Cookie Recipe Banana Maple Oatmeal Cookies – Fat Free Vegan Eggless Cookie Recipes – Eggless […]

  7. sita

    Dear Madhuram,
    I went through your blog which is very interesting with so many recipe ideas.to add variety to my cooking i too would like to go for purchasing an oven. we are veg with 4 members in our family.i would like to bake cookies breads naans cakes etc. could you suggest which one i shd go for-otg or convection?What capacity and features i shd look for.kindly reply

  8. Josie

    can I make the eggless choc chip cokies with semi skimmed milk instead of condensed.

    Hmm..I’m not sure Josie. I haven’t tried it that way, so I guess you have to try it and see if it works. You may also have to increase the quantity of sugar if you use regular milk.

  9. char

    Hi madhu,
    ive been religiously following your blog. and though Ive started my blog ,i just follow updates of the blogs i really like, havent posted anything on it. I love the fact that you have taken so much effort, its commendable. no matter where i surf , i always end up here!!!! i cant use eggs in my cooking due to religious reasons and i seem stuck at many times. I want to make two three batch of cookies ( and im really a cooking novice ) as gifts and so am quite eager to make the right impression.
    i read this black forest cookie recipe on the purple foodies blog, but it asks for 6 eggs!!!! is there any way i can replace all that????? please help

    thanks a lot 😉


    Charisma, thank you very much for your generous compliments. I found the recipe you are talking about and really don’t see why it needs so much egss. The cookies look gorgeous and chewy. I think the eggs are more like a liquid ingredient than anything else (like leavener) in the recipe. I once made some chewy chocolate cookies using store bought chocolate cake mix and silken tofu. https://www.egglesscooking.com/2008/10/06/eggless-chewy-chocolate-chip-cookies/. I think I would try the same substitution for this recipe too. 1/4 cup of pureed silken tofu for every egg to be replaced. I would also test bake just 1 or 2 cookies first to see how its turning out before putting everything in the oven. This will give some room for any adjustment if needed.

  10. pamela

    I made the eggless crispy chocolate chip cookies using condensed milk. If I had to rate it out of five being the highest, it would get five. This is the first time I have made cookies and is not a disaster. My daughter loves it and is now scolding me because she’s going to eat too much. This recipe is very encouraging.

    Thank you so much for such a lovely comment, Pamela.

  11. Feilin


    I tried the best choc chip, the cookies are great and crispy! 🙂 My husband loves it too 🙂 However, I modified the recipe. Instead of granulated + brown sugar, I use only brown sugar and 1 3/4 cups choc chips without adding nut. By the way, can you tell me the different using between granulated, castor and brown sugar pls? I usually replace all white sugar with brown sugar. Again, thanks for the great recipe and so far this is the first recipe I’ve tried online 🙂

    Hi Feilin, thanks for trying the recipe and I’m so glad that it turned out great for you. As far as the different sugars are concerned, all 3 have the same calorific value. Brown sugar is not healthier than white sugar. The only difference you will notice is the color of the end product. When using all brown sugar or more of dark brown sugar the end product will be more golden brown color than pale.

  12. aditi

    Hi again…!!!
    BRM does not have any information on the pack.So I just did it using EnerG proportion. I was prepared that I may not get the desired result, I just wanted to give it a try.
    I knew your proportion was for the whole lot.I tried a little and found the dough to be very stiff, it didn’t change. So. I tried adding a little more water , thinking it is going to allow cookies to flatten. But I guess it didn’t work much…
    I baked it for long bcoz the cookies didn’t look as if they were cooked. It appeared to be brighter than the baked cookies. I realized later, a liitle less
    baking would also have helped.
    It means, i will now have to work on BRM’s proportion and try more recipes.
    Ofcourse ,I really enjoyed the taste, specially perfect sweetness!!!
    My husband , loved the cookies and said “Tell Madhuram a big Thank-u on my behalf.. Cookies r so perfect.”
    A big ..THANK U,,,from both of us.

    You’re welcome Aditi. I wish you are able to find out a way to use BRM more effectively. Did you google for recipes using BRM?

  13. aditi

    Hi Madhuram..
    Today morning.i baked the cookies adding 3 spoons of water to 1/2 of the remaining dough (and a little bit is still remaining !!)
    But the cookies didn’t go flat as it should.
    Also, I had to bake it too long.I baked for about 18 minutes.It came out like a tiny flat hill.Ofcourse,the ouside was crispy and nice but the inside became soft and doughy instead of chewy.Definitely they were much better than what I made before. It seems I am still going wrong somewhere..
    I have few questions,
    *Does 2 teaspoon makes 1 tbspoon ?
    *Is a way to know the if the dough is correctly done or needs some extra water ?
    *Can i change the proportion of (BRM) replacer and make it work for this recipe ?
    *Does it mean I can not try any of your other cookies recipe with this egg replacer for it will not come out that perfect ?
    *Would you suggest a store (or online purchasing) for ener-g replacer ?(I didn’t find it in A&P, Trader’s Joe or in Whole Foods )..


    Aditi, I meant 1 tablespoon (is 3 teaspoons) of water for the entire batch. I didn’t know that you were going to try it with half the dough only. Did you leave the cookies on the baking sheet itself for at least 5 minutes after removing it from the oven, before transferring it to a cooling rack? Because the cookies continue to cook from the heat in the cookie sheet, even outside the oven. Guessing about the water depends on one’s experience. I’ve not used BRM (because I don’t get that in the stores here). What is the measurement suggested for it (the powder and water ratio). I read in a book that sometimes using twice as much as the amount of powder specified may be required to get the desired result. You can try that too. You can get EnerG in Amazon.com. I would like to mention here that even EnerG doesn’t work well in all recipes. I tried another chocolate chip cookie recipe before this one using EnerG and it did not come well. So I would suggest trying BRM itself for at least 2 or 3 recipes and then you can decide whether to use it or not. For starters, in the Egg Replacer round up, Debra has baked a pound cake using BRM, try that and see.

  14. aditi

    Thank you so much…Madhuram….let me try right now..!!

  15. aditi

    Hi Madhuram:

    I tried making the best c.c. cookie with ener-G replacer yesterday. I used Egg Replacer (Bob’s Red Mill brand) and used salted butter instead of unsalted, which made cookies like naankhatai. I couldn’t make it flatter. Please advise what I should do to make it softer and flat.

    However the taste was absolutely amazing. Just like bought from bakery..!!


    Hi Aditi, I’m guessing that Bob’s Red Mill replacer gives a different result. I just dropped the dough on the cookie sheet and it got flat while it was baking. Actually I was so tempted to flatten the dough with a fork, but resisted it and it came out perfect. I think you can try adding a tablespoon of water to the dough, so that it will loosen up and will become flat.

  16. Shubha

    Madhuram… this looks too good… thanx for the amazing list…. Now I can just check ur blog for all the eggless recipe links… thanx a lot dear…:)

    Check my blog have something for u there

  17. Deeba

    Thank you for stopping by Madhu & for the inspiring comments. Really made my morning on the ‘Chutney’! I have a few eggless recipes nestled in there; will try & mark them. Panna cotta is a wonderful eggless dessrt…you mst try it. It is indulgent, sublime & luscious! My favourite!! Have a great day! 😀

  18. rupa

    woohoo, this post calls for a celebration…

  19. Madhuram

    Raaga welcome. I’ll definitely include yours too in the list.

    Mansi, I’ve already included yours in the list. It’s the 6th one from the bottom.

    Your welcome Divya.

    Siri, your welcome. You can also check out the eggless cakes and muffin recipes.

  20. Siri

    U have a super duper collection here Madhu. 😆 Thanks and your effort clearly shows! 😀

  21. DivyA Vikram

    wow..that is wonderful madhu..am goin to try few of them..and thanks for adding mine

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